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October 21, 2024 to Current

Snow Scholars Mission:

“To provide college students flexible and high-paying jobs focusing on leadership, management, and accountability while strengthening relationships with locals in their college town communities."



  1. By clicking the checkbox on the third page of the sign up form, or by agreeing to have a team member sign you up on the sign up page, you agree to have read and understood this document, and will adhere to the expectations written. 



Contact Information

Phone Number 

  1. SNOW DAY: 4AM to 10PM CST. NON SNOW DAY: 10AM to 4PM CST. Our phone number is readily available to assist you with sign up information, changing the special notes about your property, billing, and to ask questions about your service. Madison and Eau Claire residents can save the phone number (608) 400-4555. Milwaukee, Green Bay, and Oshkosh residents can call (414) 800-2233. Chicago area residents can call (847) 262-4321. Minneapolis residents can call (612) 400-8700. Duluth residents can call (218) 520-8800. East Lansing and Allendale residents can call (517) 246-9900. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti residents can call (734) 874-4555. 


Email Address 

  1. SNOW DAY: 4AM to 10PM CST. NON SNOW DAY: 10AM to 4PM CST. Our email is available to assist you with sign up information, changing the special notes about your property, billing, and to ask questions about your service. The email is


Live Chat 

  1. SNOW DAY: 4AM to 10PM CST. NON SNOW DAY: 10AM to 4PM CST. Our live chat is readily available to assist you with sign up information, changing the special notes about your property, billing, and to ask questions about your service. The live chat is accessible at


Overview, Coverage, and Hours



  1. Snow Scholars services a specific and exclusive general radius of 4-6 miles around campus. 



  1. Your general service, depending on which plan you choose, will all consist of the following:

    1. Coverage at your specific height of snowfall (0.5, and  1 inch).

    2. Snow removal coverage from a specific date range.

    3. Snow removal that covers specific areas selected during sign-up including: front/back driveway, sidewalk, front/back walkway, side walkways, front stairs, back stairs, and front patio. Any additional clearance beyond these selected areas is not your Snow Scholar’s responsibility and may incur extra charges if requested.

    4. We do not clear the following surfaces at any time: Trash bin areas, backyard walkways/staircases/decks/patios/ramps, cars, or areas requiring gated access. With our nature of working very early or late, we prohibit Snow Scholars from accessing such areas for safety and efficiency. 

    5. Free application of your salt or sand on specifically designated areas (SAME AS ABOVE). Salt or sand must be provided by the homeowner and made available for your Snow Scholar to use before their arrival. We recommend you leave your sand or salt in a noticeable area (front porch), to avoid your Snow Scholar not being able to find and place it for you. If your Snow Scholar cannot find it within reason, their work can be marked complete. 

    6. Coverage of your property within 12 working hours (6am-9pm) as soon as the snow stops for the day and has reached your agreed upon snowfall height. 90% of homes are cleared within the first 6 hours. Exceptions due to school or other student responsibilities may occur. See the  “Dates With Hours Exceptions” below for more exceptions. 

    7.  If your Snow Scholar cannot complete their work within this 12 hour time frame (or end of day), we have the aforementioned customer service team available via phone, email, and live chat.  


Determination of Snowfall Heights & Final Say

  1. A combination of NOAA, The Weather Channel, and in person measuring (located in the center of your college town) are used to determine the official height of the snowfall.  

  2. You may not receive as much snow as our in-person measuring and weather reports say on your property (i.e. lake effect, altitude, etcetera). Snow Scholars Inc. has the final say on giving the green light to dispatch. 

The Plans We Offer

Full Season

  1. Coverage from 10/01 to 05/15 of the calendar year.

  2. A flat rate price per snowfall, determined by the price calculator: 8 cents per square foot for 0.5 and 1 inch plans.


Vacation Plan

  1. For Driveway & Sidewalk Walkway:

    1. Minimum charge for a space of 3 car lengths x 1 car width is $249 (2 days to 2 weeks). Each additional week is +$75.

    2. Anything larger than 3 car lengths x 1 car width is $329 initially, with a weekly charge of $75 thereafter.

  2. For Sidewalk Only:

    1. 2 days to 2 weeks coverage is priced at $150. Each additional week is +$50.

  3. For Driveway Only:

    1. 2 days to 2 weeks coverage for spaces of 3 car lengths x 1 car width or less costs $199.

    2. Anything larger incurs a charge of $249 initially, with a weekly charge of $75 thereafter.

  4. Additional Add-Ons:

    1. Customers requiring additional add-ons are charged +$10 per week.


Special Policies

Dispatching More Than Once In A Single Snowfall

  1.  If there is a snowfall forecasted less than 6 inches, we will dispatch once the snow ends for the day.

  2.  If there is a snowfall forecasted above 6 inches, we will dispatch once the snowfall ends for the day. If you would like 1 or more snow removals that are additional to the main snow event, please email or call us and we can add you to our route. 

  3. If there is a subsequent snowfall forecasted, we will clear your snow after the first snowfall and dispatch again after the second snowfall, IF there is a 4+ hour window between the two snowfalls to prevent ice build-up.


Cars In Driveway

  1.  For liability reasons, we will not clear snow off of cars.

  2.  We will shovel around cars to allow you to safely access your vehicle(s). 


External Snow

  1. Snow Scholars is not responsible for snow pushed back onto the property by blowing or drifting snow, the city or other independent snow plowing operations. Additional requests to clear such areas may be subject to an additional charge. 



  1. If any part of the property becomes inaccessible due to parked vehicles, trash containers, or other uncontrollable obstacles, your Snow Scholar is not responsible for work in that area. Upon request, your Snow Scholar may return to these areas for an additional charge.


What If Students Have Classes?

  1. Despite their studies, Snow Scholars clear 90% of homes within 6 hours of the snowfall ending! 

  2. During work hours of 6am to 9pm, if students have classes, they clear your homes before, during, and after their classes as quickly as possible. 

  3.  If your Snow Scholar cannot complete their work within this 12 hour time frame (or end of day), we have our customer service team available via phone, email, and live chat.  


Dates With Hours Exceptions

  1.  Winter Break, New Years

    1. During these times we will have slightly fewer students. We have a reserve of students that will fill in. Additionally, students have much more availability to work and are given more homes to complete. Please be considerate of our unusual shoveling shortage at this time. 

  2.  Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break

    1. During these times staff will be limited. Our goal is to clear your homes within 24 hours of the snowfall ending on these dates, which complies with the city. 

    2. If you clear your own snow, you will not be charged the 33% transportation fee from Snow Scholars. A portion of our students are on break from their exams and your help is appreciated! 


Other Delays

  1. Unusually severe weather conditions includes, but is not limited to a blizzard, multiple day snow events (or 2+ snow events in a week), extreme cold and/or wind chill, and icy conditions. During these times, our students will complete their work within the allotted time to not receive a fine from the city  (Usually 24 hours). The timeframe for city fines are commonly elongated during such times. 


Communication Before, During, and After Snow*

Before A Snow

Emails will be sent consistently before each snowfall to alert you that there may be potential snow above the agreed upon height (0.5 inch or 1 inch). 


During and After A Snow

Emails will be sent consistently during each snowfall to alert you that we have dispatched and the snow accumulation has reached the height that we agreed upon (0.5 inch or 1 inch). We will also update you with weather information during and after a snowfall such as “there will be freezing temperatures, so expect your snow to be cleared by tonight” or “the snow is melting for the day due to high temperatures, so we will not be dispatching today.” If you would like for us to come out still, please send an email to or reach us via live chat from 4am - 10pm CST. Madison residents can call the phone number (608) 400-4555. Milwaukee residents can call (414) 800-2233. Minneapolis residents can call (612) 400-8700. Duluth residents can call (218) 520-8800. East Lansing residents can call (517) 246-9900.



  1.  We recognize that so many companies use snow plows to clear your surfaces. We only use shovels and snowblowers because we respect the safety of your property and the silence of your home.

  2.  Shovels and snowblowers are provided by the college students themselves, so they are familiar with the equipment that they are using. 

  3.  Students watch training videos to avoid property damage and shovel edge to edge.



  1.  We use a secure and professional processor to store credit and debit card information that is utilized by thousands of retailers, grocers, and e-commerce brands. We can only see the last 4 digits of your card information, the expiration date, and security code. This allows for us to only charge your card on our site only and not use your card for any other purchases.​


Billing Times

  1.  For whole season plans, your card will be charged on the 1st of each month for the amount of snowfalls in the prior month. For example, if there are three snowfalls in January, then February 1 your card would be charged once for the three occurrences. 

  2. For vacation plans, your card will be charged immediately when booking the service and will guarantee you a shoveler for the designated times.


Charge Type

  1. Full Charge – Job was completed as described.

  2. Melting Snow – A full charge will occur if less than 50% of the snow on your designated areas are melted. A half charge will occur if more than 50% of your designated area has melted.  It is important to prevent ice formation overnight due to lowering temperatures. Your Snow Scholar will clear what snow is there regardless of how much has melted. 

  3.  If you clear your snow before your Snow Scholar arrives in the agreed upon timely manner, excluding exception dates, a 33% charge will be incurred due to breach of contract.

  4. GRATUITIES: If a snowfall above 6 inches occurs, a $10 gratuity will be added per snowfall above this threshold


City Fines

Receiving A Fine 

  1. Snow Scholars does not assume liability for city fines, but we will work very diligently to make sure your services are comped and/or severely discounted for the next service.


Cancellation Policy

10-Day Notice Policy 

  1. The Customer may terminate the contract if Snow Scholars fails to meet their obligations, with a 10-day notice specifying the shortcomings. Upon termination after the 10 days, Snow Scholars will charge the customer for services rendered before termination and remove the customer from being serviced. Upon receiving the allotted payment, Snow Scholars will terminate all payment and credit card information. 


Last Date To Cancel (For Remainder Of Season)​

  1. The Customer has one (1) month from the date they sign up to cancel their contract for the remainder of the given snow season. After the one (1) month has passed, the Customer is not eligible for the 10 day notice policy (see above). If Customer truly needs to cancel services for cause, a $199 charge per property will be applied to the credit card on file or send an invoice to the email on file (3.4% service charge added). 

  2. Why would Snow Scholars have a policy like this? Snow Scholars shovelers are assigned a certain number of homes for the season. When a Customer cancels, both the Snow Scholar is out of work and the Company was not able to sign up another customer who may have stayed for the entirety of the season. 







  1. This contract may change before the beginning of the 2025-2026 winter season. Those who have clicked or authorised Snow Scholars staff to click the checkbox on the billing page of sign up form will be notified of any change.

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